
Why we give

The Bible teaches us to give cheerfully with a grateful heart to support the ministry of the church. When we give our first fruits to the church we put God first in our finances and in our lives. This is an act of worship that expresses our faith, gratitude and love for others.

God provides for the ministry of Church of the Ascension through your generosity. We honor your gifts with faithful stewardship, ethical business practices, and full accountability so that the financial integrity of Church of the Ascension remains beyond reproach.

Why should I pledge?

Pledging, which means you let the church know the estimated amount that you can contribute for the year, is the best way for Church of the Ascension leadership to determine our future budget. Pledging is not a binding commitment, and you may up or lower your pledge at any time during the year. God provides for the ministry of Church of the Ascension through your generosity. Letting the church know how much you can support it is an important step in planning for our future.

How can I give?

Online giving is available at Church of the Ascension. Your pledge and any additional offerings may be arranged through our secure online giving service. In addition, you may give via text message or in person at one of our worship services. Full details below.

How to give

Online Giving

• Give quickly and simply
• Set up automatically scheduled gifts
• Securely save your card info
• Easily track and adjust your giving

Text To Give

Giving to Church of the Ascension is now as easy as a text message.

Simply text an amount (example: 50) to:

Give In Person Or Mail

In addition to digital giving, we also accept cash, checks, and money orders. These can be placed in the offering plates at our services or mailed to:

Church of the Ascension
P. O. Box 3474, Windermere, FL 34786-3424


The Church Center App is the fastest way to get information about our church, browse and join groups, register for events, and give to your church on iOS.

Use your credit card, setup a bank account, or use Apple Pay to give quickly to our church.


For questions regarding finances, contact us at