Healing Ministry

When Jesus started his earthly ministry, he proclaimed in the synagogue in Nazareth that Isaiah’s prophecy was being fulfilled in their hearing: captives were being released, recovery of sight was being given to the blind, and the oppressed were being set free. When John the Baptist started to doubt whether Jesus was indeed the long-awaited messiah, Jesus sent word to him that: the blind receive their sight, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, the poor have good news brought to them. God’s kingdom rule, that includes healing, had broken in, and would not be stopped. Jesus then sent out his twelve disciples, and then seventy of his followers to proclaim the Gospel and heal the sick.

In John’s Gospel Jesus promised that those who believe in him would do greater works even than he did through the power of the Holy Spirit that he would send after his death, resurrection and ascension. And Paul, in his letter to the Ephesians, reiterates that the same power that raised Jesus from the dead is at work in Jesus’ followers through the power of his Spirit. In his letter, James tells the church to pray, lay hands on, and anoint with oil any who are sick in the congregation so that they may be healed.

The healing ministry of Jesus continues to this day through the power of his Holy Spirit as a sign that God’s kingdom reign is spreading throughout the world.

At Ascension we continue to follow Jesus’ instructions to his disciples through bi-monthly healing services.

Healing Services at Ascension and Online

Our healing services take place in person and through Facebook livestream on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month at 6:30 pm. The livestream can be accessed through the Ascension Facebook Page by clicking the button below.

Healing Service Sermons

Previous Healing Service Sermons can be accessed here:

The Order of St Luke the Physician at Ascension

The Order of St Luke the Physician (OSL) is an international Christian healing ministry that seeks to empower God’s people throughout the world with Jesus’ healing ministry. Our local chapter of OSL at Ascension is Healing Hearts & Healing Hands Community. The community meets monthly on the 3rd Saturday of each month for ongoing study, fellowship and prayer, and are present during the healing services for the laying on of hands, anointing and prayers for healing. Joan Allard is the Convener, and Pastor John Adetunji and Rev’d Sarah Bronos are co-Chaplains. If you are feeling called to participate in this ministry please contact Joan Allard for information concerning membership and training at Jadirector24@gmail.com. If you would like more information on OSL please go to the website: www.OSLToday.org

The Reverend Sarah Bronos, Retired Associate for the Healing Ministry at Ascension